Legal Notes


This website is property of the Province of Lucca.

This web page identifies the access to the website's rules, it controls the terms and the conditions of use of the website itself and is written respecting the guidelines of the public administrations' websites.

If not differently specified, the materials contained in this website are copy-free, therefore freely reusable in concordance with the terms provided by the Creative Commons BY – NC 3.0 license.


Creative Commons Attribution – Non Commercial 3.0 (CC BY-NC 3.0)

The license authorizes to reproduce, distribute, modify the website's contents, eventually combining them with other information, with the following limitations: attribution clause (BY): the paternity of the contents has to be attributed to the license's owner (Province of Lucca). That has to be done with reasonable means and in order to not suggesting that the license's owner validates the use of the very same contents. Where the contents were modified or mixed with other information, these have to be clearly distinct from the contents drawn from the website, so that they can not be attributed to the license's owner;

clause of commercial limitation (NC): the website's contents can not be utilized to commercial purposes.

The notes reported above provide a short recap, expressed in an accessible language, of the license CC BY – NC 3.0 characteristics and do not replace it in any way. Anyone who utilizes the website's contents has to respect the conditions set by the license thus reported at the following URL: and to make a link to it available.

The dispatch of information or documentation to the Province of Lucca's websites and web services will be considered of non-confidential nature and will attribute the limited and irrevocable right of use, copy, show, execute, modify, transmit and distribute the above-mentioned materials and information. Links made from websites without legal contents are well-accepted.


Use of the Website


The Province of Lucca adopts the needed measures to minimally reduce the malfunctions attributable to technical problems, but can not exclude the fact that the services could suffer interruptions or are in other way influenced by external agents or actions; therefore it doesn't assume any responsibility for the results which could be originated from it on itself. The contents (texts, images, documents, attachments, modules, links etc.) could be not so comprehensive, complete or updated, despite the continuous activity of the newsroom, which, however, will take charge of the warnings of eventual errors, mistakes, not updated or not so clear contents sent to the email address:

Particularly in regard of the normative references, it is suggested to always consult the source for greater update guarantee. The newsroom maintain the exclusive right to modify, in whole or in part, without any notification and to its absolute own discretion, the website's content or images, in the exercise of the administrative activities of which the Province of Lucca is the owner.


Access to external connected websites


The Province of Lucca doesn't take any responsibility in order to the content of the websites to which it is possible to access through the links put in the Palazzo Ducale website itself, provided as a simple service for the users. The presence of those links doesn't imply neither the approval of the contents nor any form of insurance about the quality of the services and the available products. Eventual normative references, normative texts or measures and administrative documents, have not an official character but only an informative one.


Limitations to the reuse of personal data


The personal data published on the website in execution for the subject of transparency obligations and of other regulations in effect are exclusively reusable to the conditions provided by the rule in effect on the reuse of the public data (EU directive 2003/98/CE e D.Lgs 36/2006 of reception of it), compatible in terms with the purpose for which they were approved and registered, and in respect of the national, international and community norm about the protection of our personal data.


You can consult the norm of reference on the website guarantor of the protection of personal data: